The pillars for this service includes:
MBM prepares tax depreciation and capital allowances schedules detailing the deductions available to the taxpayer. Our review of the ownership of the assets provides a clear demarcation between landlord and tenant ownership. We reconcile the depreciation schedules with the fixed asset additions and prepare projections for allowances that are available for the remaining life of the property to ensure that after tax returns are optimised.
MBM analyses data from capital expenditure invoices to incorporate into a client’s asset register to provide the basis for ongoing capital expenditure analysis, end of financial year reconciliation and preparation of depreciation schedules.
MBM undertakes replacement cost assessments to provide a robust cost of replacement for insurance and reporting purposes. Our methodology allows for a replacement of the existing building, including cost of demolition, removal, site establishment, bringing the building up to current legislative requirements and associated professional fees.
MBM provides estimates of available allowances so that tax depreciation issues are addressed comprehensively throughout the due diligence and divestment process. MBM provides depreciation schedules for both landlords and tenants where fitout contributions are made as part of a leasing transaction.
MBM asset registers are compiled using a robust data collection methodology which provides data integrity and flexibility of analysis. We are able to provide online access to the asset register data via our iOPS™ Integrated Online Property Solutions system which ensures compliant depreciation and optimised after tax returns. These provide a comprehensive record of the asset for use in asset planning.
MBM has an established approach to life cycle modelling to assess the replacement cost and life expectancy of a building’s major elements. The model can be used during the initial planning and design of the building through to the longer-term asset management.