The pillars for this service includes:
MBM provides advice on building maintenance, including preventative and reactive maintenance, minor works and life cycle replacement, in order to establish effective asset management strategies to meet the needs of the business and ensure statutory compliance.
MBM provides advice on facilities management services including cleaning, catering, security, car parking, grounds, hospitality service, materials management, logistics, and hospital services (linen, medical gases).
MBM identifies the optimal delivery strategy for an organisation including the use of in-house and outsourced resources, contract structures, specifications, payment mechanisms, KPIs, internal asset management and contract administration functions.
MBM undertakes reviews / audits of service provider performance and identifies gaps between the required contractual and actual performance. The review includes observations and recommendations for service improvements.
MBM prepares expression of interest, scope of works and tender documentation for Asset Management / FM services including tailored specifications, KPIs and contractual tender documents. We evaluate tenders and advise clients throughout the tender negotiation stages.
MBM provides support to clients to develop their asset management/FM capabilities, including advise on internal functions, resource level and skills, procedures, processes and systems.
MBM works with government departments to identify potential social and economic infrastructure projects suitable for private finance, prepares business cases, undertakes gateway reviews and identifies and assesses the preferred procurement options.
MBM prepares the detailed technical and service specifications and develop the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) against which the outcomes of the project are assessed. Our clear project documentation is now considered an established industry standard and has been adopted on many of Australia’s social infrastructure projects.
MBM provides the capital and operating cost inputs for PSC’s and affordability estimates and works with the government’s legal and commercial advisors in assessing project risks to ensure that a robust PSC is developed for project budgets and bid evaluation.
MBM undertakes the evaluation of bids, including the design outcomes, service delivery models and the capital and operating costs. During the negotiating phase. MBM assess impacts of departures on D&C, Asset Management and FM obligations.
MBM undertakes D&C and Asset Management/FM due diligence on behalf of bidding consortia. This includes identifying high risk/high cost areas, attendance at value management workshops, and validation of D&C and Asset Management/FM costs.
MBM is involved in supporting government and SPV’s in the administration of PPP contracts. This includes day-to-day management, performance monitoring, audits and advice on contract variations.
MBM provides support to SPV’s and financiers including the preparation of due diligence reports for refinancing equity transactions. Our due diligence supports the application for project financing and second generation bid preparation. Our reports have been prepared for most of Australia’s leading project finance participants.