In MBM’s final instalment of our Women in Construction series, we sat down with Associate in Quantity Surveying, Sabrina Tapson.


What inspired you to pursue a career in the construction industry?

My father owned a construction firm in South Africa, so I have been brought up on sites from a young age. He always told me “I enjoy knowing I helped create these structures which will hopefully be there for a very long time”. I think that sentiment rubbed off.


What aspects of your work do you find the most fulfilling?

The client facing aspect of the job and seeing the finished product.


What construction industry shifts and trends are you excited about?

The move towards building more environmentally conscious buildings.


Do you have any mentors and how have they inspired you to overcome adversity?

I have been lucky that I have had great mentors throughout my career and they have been mentors who have been open and honest, sharing their experiences constantly. They have also allowed me the opportunity to face adversity in a way in which I have felt supported, giving me the ability to work through it and build confidence from it.


The NSW government have a target to reach 15% women in trade and non-traditional construction roles by 2050. How do you think the industry can encourage more women to join and thrive in construction?

I think providing flexibility in working strategies (i.e. work from home/flexible hours) is a huge factor.


What has been the highlight of your professional career?

I have been involved in some great projects, but I think the highlight for me has actually been the team I have found at MBM. I enjoy coming to work everyday because of them.


What advice would you offer to someone considering a career in construction?

It’s an industry in which you get out what you put in, the only limitations are the ones you give yourself.


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